About Us

Learn about our purpose, history and beliefs.

The Living Waters Association of the Nebraska Conference of the United Church of Christ(UCC) consists of 27 churches in Northeast Nebraska. 

This Association claims as its own the faith of the historic church expressed in the ancient creeds and reclaimed in the basic insights of the Protestant Reformers, particular as that faith is expressed in the Preamble of the Constitution of the United Church of Christ and in its Statement of Faith.

The responsibilities and authorities of this Association are:

  1. To express the oneness of Christ of the churches composing it and to make more effective their christian witness and service.
  2. To carry on the work and exercise the functions of the UCC.
  3. To determine, confer, and certify to the standing of churches of the UCC within its boundaries. (Any adjustment of the Association boundaries or transfer of membership of churches between Associations shall be done in consultation with, and with the approval of the Conference.)
  4. To determine, confer, and certify to the standing of those within authorized ministries of the UCC.
  5. The stimulate the spiritual and missionary interests of its member churches.
  6. To cooperate with the Nebraska Conference of the UCC (hereinafter ‘Conference’)and through the Conference, with the UCC and its covenanted ministries and global partners.

Because we believe in God’s continuing testament in the world, we…
Take stands for justice and peace
Proclaim God is still speaking
Communicate the UCC message
Help local churches to call pastors
Vision and plan the future of UCC mission
Teach best practices for pastors and congregations
Nurture formation of those discerning a call to ministry

Because we believe in extravagant welcome, we…
Preach a welcoming and open understanding of Christian faith
Respond to disasters and human tragedies
Feed the hungry and send help around the world
Reach out to our newest neighbors
Nurture ecumenical and interfaith relationships
Care for our retired UCC clergy and spouses
Foster healthy and vital congregations

Because we believe in transforming lives, we…
Raise our children in faith
Equip leaders for children’s and youth ministries
Foster beauty in worship
Support clergy in their ministries
Help start new churches
Revitalize and make older churches accessible to all

The Living Waters Association of the Nebraska Conference of the United Church of Christ (UCC) came into being October 2009. combining the Omaha and Northeastern Associations. This combination was encouraged as a way to better steward resources while maintaining the autonomy of Associations.

A number of individuals gave hours of time in writing the Association’s By-Law, working out the financial arrangements of combining two Associations and the disposition of records of both Associations. In addition to continuing the work of the Associations in authorizing clergy persons, assisting congregations and pastors in times of stress and assisting local congregations in maintaining their communion with the wider church.