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Living Waters Association of the Nebraska Conference of the United Church of Christ

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The Living Waters Association exists to assist the churches of the Association and their members in continuing the work and mission of Christ. The Association works to help churches and their ministers achieve and maintain standing within the Nebraska Conference and national setting of the United Church of Christ.

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UCC National Ministries has shared information regarding Yearbook Reporting Update –

As always, our goal for Yearbook reporting is to get as many churches as possible to report their data. We are well aware that there have been some challenges with the new data hub. This is true whenever there is something “new”. As a result, we have made some changes to  our timeline and the instructions that we have for Yearbook data collection. 

We are also launching a new option for churches to enter their data without needing to access the UCC Database and Directories (the new data hub). We have created a survey monkey option that will collect all of the data that we normally collect from churches, available here:

Note: This link can also be found on the Living Waters Association Website.

Closing of the Data Hub has been extended to April 11th, 2025

In case you were unaware: 

· Your church’s 501(c)3 status is dependent on a current updated listing in the UCC Yearbook/Data Hub. 

· When your church is searching for a Pastor you will need current and updated data which comes from the UCC Yearbook.